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The market is saturated with smart technology. The volume of data is growing as well as the need for it. At the same time, the cost of smart software is quite high, which affects the speed of automating business processes and the development of smart cities. Therefore, it is worth thinking about intelligent platforms that will make a given product competitive and easy to use. Let’s see how such platforms work in the transport sector and what advantages they give cities and police in managing large traffic flows.

For cities and businesses, the time to obtain software for specific tasks (business logic) and launch them into operation becomes critical. At the same time, flexibility and efficiency in working with data with a high level of quality must be maintained. At the moment, such business logic is implemented by programmers for a specific task, tested, debugged and tested again.

Today, the time has come for the next generation of smart platform architecture that configures business logic on the fly, dynamically in real-time, working with huge traffic data flows, and connecting an unlimited number of data sensors. The clients themselves receive business logic and several convenient dashboards with a smart search engine and various charts.

This is the intelligent data processing platform from FF Group – Data Factory.


What are FF Data Factory advantages?

FF Data Factory allows you to quickly, at dedicated prices, create and configure business logic (software) for a specific client task or group of clients. These can be tasks of a very wide variety – from counting free parking spaces to finding a stolen red sedan in the city.

The core of FF Data Factory is our special mathematical framework, on the basis of which a visual constructor is built, with the help of which our engineers assemble business logic without the need of a programmer in 24 hours. It’s as easy as putting LEGO blocks together.

FF Data Factory is becoming an excellent alternative to modern universal software for our clients. Using the latter solution, when reconfiguring it for the client’s task, requires making changes, fixing bugs, testing, etc. for at least 1 month. And all this affects the main problem – time and additional costs for the project.

The business logic is so simple and easy to configure in FF Data Factory that our 1st line support engineer or, in the future, the customer himself can do it.


How the business logic is created

Step 1. The client describes the business logic, and the tasks that it should solve, and clarifies the details with the Product Owner FF Group.

Step 2. After a day or two, the client receives the business logic in the format of a simple text file.

Step 3. The text file is loaded into FF Data Factory and activated. All this happens in a few clicks.

Step 4. The required number of ANPR cameras is connected (for example, an Axis camera with CAMMRA app) and all data is displayed on the dashboard in the previously described form (graphs, tables, controls – in the form of a wide variety of widgets).


For example, it can be data on the number of violators, alerts and lists of tolerance level or violators, statistics on brands and models, types and colors, reports on hours, days, and months, etc.

The number of business logics and dashboards in FF Data Factory is practically unlimited.

Thus, it only takes a few clicks for the client to launch their business logic and work in a simple and user-friendly interface.


In the near future, a library of ready-made business logics will appear in FF Data Factory, some of the most niche and interesting ones being working with lists of not regular customers for a network of gas stations (operator safety), lists of loyal customers for car washes (increasing customer focus), monitoring the compliance of a tractor with a semi-trailer for logistics centers, managing lists by interest groups to display alerts on violators from lists of license plates, keeping track of parking occupancy and much more.

All of this is to say that the client can choose logic from the library, if it is ideal for his needs, or he can order his own.

FF Data Factory ushers in an era of simplicity and convenience in working with huge data flows in the transport sector, as well as bringing an individual approach to solving customer problems. With us, big data will become available to smart cities in real-time.

Each security project is a unique success story with an entirely new system being created for the customer.

At first glance, complex, intelligent transport control projects are standard software with a generic interface (graphics and logic) which generates and processes traffic data. But each project has its own needs and requirements. And here you have two options – either patch up the standard software to perform not only general but also specific tasks in the project, or develop new software that will be both faster and better adapted to perform the tasks set by the customer. And this of course will at least at a month or more to the total costs of the investment.

That’s the reason why we created FF Data Factory, to produce software for specific tasks as needed on a daily basis. This platform automatically configures software for  each unique project without the participation of programmers.

First our team communicates with the customer, then gathers the requirements of the project and finally creates special software with a corresponding interface and logic in just 1 day. Our approach avoids long tests and possible technical errors when integrating standard software into the project.

FF Data Factory is easily integrated into any smart control system, video management system, etc. Put simply, FF Data Factory is a tool that creates software for a customer in 1 day.

Is it magic? Practically speaking, yes. What we accomplished was technical magic. Want to know more about our technical wizardry? Leave us a note in the comments and we will set up a technical session for everyone who is interested.

Today, our team has brought to the AN2V exhibition a smart platform for working with traffic data, FF Data Factory. We’ll be waiting for you at our partner Milestone’s booth  41 .

And if you didn’t already know, FF Data Factory runs inside Milestone. Interpret any volume of traffic data with Data Factory using video evidence from Milestone